It's hard to copyright ideas because someone has always already thought of it first. Take the name of this space which was lifted from my never-written collection of short stories. I've always been a sarcastic little one; it's probably my most noted trademark. Being a mixed bag of introversion/extroversion and thinking that I know everything, yet having a healthy dose of humility thrown in from being knocked on my butt so many times, I do consider myself to be on the fringes of the mainstream. So having no idea that this species of fish already owned the rights to the name Sarcastic Fringehead, I thought that I would call my collection On Life as a Sarcastic Fringehead. I mean, that describes me exactly. Much to my surprise, the fish, who goes by the more intelligent-sounding
Neoclinus blanchardi while chatting up white girls at cocktail parties, was there first. Well, too bad. I'm still using the name, and so is, it turns out, a band playing somewhere in New York that hasn't updated its Web site since December. The fish and the band and I shall meet in court soon enough if we can't all learn to share and get along. I had no idea that fish existed and I'd never read anything written by that fish before I thought up the name on my own. I'll testify to that.
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