The only things missing from the photo of my workstation are a bottle of vodka and a box of Crunch n'Munch. The vodka was in the freezer, unavailable for the shoot. I'm out of Crunch n' Munch, but that's only for very late night writing, anyway. Mike's Hard Lemonade is for morning/afternoon writing. The workstation is in my kitchen and my chair is eighteen inches from the refrigerator. I don't have to get up to open the refrigerator door, so I don't. It's a beautiful arrangement.
I've promised myself that I won't introduce another character until I have around three more pages of Stillwater. I'll still write the first drafts in my journal. I'm digitally gun shy after losing so many stories to the blue screen of death. I'll write the drafts then post them. That's the plan so far.
I know, I know...just do it, right? But getting started is half the battle. Can I get an amen from someone who understands that?
Good to read your thoughts.. keep posting.
Thanks for the amen, solo. You keep posting as well. You're doing good work.
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