Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Originally, I thought Stillwater would "know" the lives and events of each person he met or even passed on the street, but that's too great of a burden for his character. So his gift has been downgraded, so to speak. He'll know the lives of only certain people and those people may be random. I'm not sure yet if there is a common thread sewing together each of those people. I do know this, though: in the beginning, he won't know anything about Parker Gale except what she tells him. They have to begin their journey with each of them being as open to the experience as the other.

Stillwater is also now much younger than I originally thought. Right around sixteen instead of the early thirties I had in mind at first. So far, I'll leave Parker in her thirties, but still allow Stillwater to act as a type of guardian. The two people they meet along the journey, Freddie Mercury and Tim Woodman, have their own agenda and reasons for joining the trip. Not necessarily nefarious reasons, but Stillwater needs to be aware of their motives even if he doesn't right away reveal them to Parker.

Just taking notes here. I'm not this far along in the narrative yet. This is a good place for notes and outlines, so bear with me as I throw everything into the cyberpot: notes over here, outlines over there, more than a few random thoughts tossed in with the narrative. It'll all come together eventually.

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